I am passionate about ocean conservation, helping scientists on research expeditions, diving and documenting extraordinary places underwater. As a research diver, photographer and writer, I share news and publish stories about diving, citizen science and ocean conservation. I love exploring underwater and filming sharks, whales, dolphins, rays, sea lions, shipwrecks and California’s kelp forests.

At UC Berkeley, as an undergrad, I taught research diving under the supervision of local diving pioneer Lloyd Austin. The scientific dive course was required for anyone hoping to conduct underwater research at U.C. Berkeley.

In 2015, after logging some 2200 dives in California and beyond, I began assisting researchers on shark tagging trips to Cocos Island 340 miles Southwest of Costa Rica in the Pacific. There I tagged a tiger shark, using a speargun 100 feet below the ocean surface. I have assisted reseachers on four trips to Cocos Island and two trips to Revillagigedo (aka Socorro). I am certified as a volunteer diver to conduct surveys on the California coast with Reefcheck.

I currently help not-for-profits develop strategic plans and put their stories in presentable formats to share with the general public.

Background: I grew up in California where, as a child, I spent hours scouring California beaches for washed up sea creatures. Later, I learned to surf, windsurf, kayak, scuba dive, freedive and swim in open water off the Golden Gate in San Francisco.

Education: I earned two business degrees from U.C. Berkeley and worked in two sectors: 1) construction/real estate 2) software and hardware technology before deciding to dedicate my time to assisting researchers, photographing marine life, and telling stories about the ocean, marine life, and people dedicated to marine protection.

Much of my diving has been close to California - in the Pacific and Caribbean. I have enjoyed photographing sea creatures and underwater shipwrecks in the Galapagos (Ecuador) , Cocos Island (Costa Rica), the Archipelago of Revillagigedo (Mexico), Tonga, Truk Lagoon (Micronesia), Palau, Fiji, Indonesia, Thailand, and South Africa.

If you have a moment, drop me a note to say “hello” on the contact page if you have a minute. Tell me how the ocean inspires you.
